Photo by Krzysztof Hepner

What impact does migration have on the health of societies?

By Paul Speigel and Leonard Rubenstein // December 10, 2018

When migrants were streaming off the fragile boats on the shores of Lesvos island in Greece, the look in their eyes was one of sadness and despair, tinged with hope. Disembarking were men, women, boys and girls from many countries, some fleeing war or political repression and others seeking safety from violence and abuse, while still others were looking for work.

They gingerly unwrapped their phones from their tight cellophane seal and, with tears in their eyes, they called their families to let them know they survived the treacherous journey that so many of their other fellow countrymen did not.

I was there on the shores, welcoming and supporting them in 2015.

Read full the Hill piece here.


The Lancet: Can Physicians Work in US Immigration Detention Facilities While Upholding Their Hippoc


Health and Human Rights: Political Conflict and the Right to Health